Now showing items 1-10 of 49
pH indicator from kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) flower extract
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2015-06)
The acidic or basic nature of materials is usually determined using pH meter and commercially-sold or synthetic indicating means. In this study, an eco-friendly pH indicator was prepared from the aqueous and ethanolic ...
Construct validity of the College of Education Graduate School admission examination: Implications to entrance skills and competencies of the graduate school students
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2016-06)
This study looked into the constructs that underlie the admission examinations of the West Visayas State University College of Education Graduate School that may very well identify the entrance skills and competencies of ...
School principals’ leadership behaviors vis-à-vis teachers’ instructional practices
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2018-12)
This article focuses on school principals as leaders tasked with significant roles in attaining quality instruction. It is a descriptive study designed to investigate their instructional and technology leadership behaviors ...
Impact of frailty in non-surgical fractures in elderly population with vitamin D deficiency: How much is little?
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2021-12)
Vitamin D is associated to bone health and reduction in the incidence of fractures. However, this condition remains increasing specially during elderly, predisposing to frailty and increasing hospital ...
Phytochemical screening: Nanochlorum spp.
(University Research & Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2013-06)
This study attempted to screen selected phytochemicals in the ethanolic, methanolic and acetone extracts of Nanochlorum spp. The extracts were subjected to the following tests: Test tube method for Alkaloid Analysis ...
The profile, personal attributes and protective factors of resilient at-risk youth in a state university
(University Research & Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2013-06)
This descriptive study looked at the profile, the personal attributes and protective factors of resilient at-risk youth in the academe as well as identified other factors instrumental in making them resilient. Data were ...
Mathematics and Panay Bukidnon women in Alan Cabalfin’s paintings
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2013-12)
This case study analyzes of Alan Cabalfin’s paintings from a mathematical point of view. Specifically, the subjects of the paintings are the women of Panay Bukidnon, an indigenous group living in the island of Panay in ...
Effects of differentiated instruction on mathematics achievement and critical thinking skills of students
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2017-06)
This quasi-experimental study ascertained the effects of differentiated instruction on the mathematics achievement and critical thinking skills of the 54 Grade 10 high school students of a state university in Roxas City. ...
Influence of fermented organic concoction as nutrient supplements in the performance of brooding native chicken
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State Univeristy, 2016-12)
The study determined the alternatives of producing brooder chicks without antibiotics by utilizing organic concoctions as nutrient supplements and as preventive measures against diseases. The experimental study assigned ...
Development of exemplars in teaching and assessment: An exploration of solutions to TIMSS-related problems in Mathematics
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2019-06)
This study aimed to make analyses of the results of Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) Released Items where samples of test items are shown and to develop lesson and assessment exemplars that teachers ...