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dc.contributor.advisorGlorial, Jonathan C.
dc.contributor.authorGaje, Jose Michael C.
dc.identifier.citationGaje, J. M. C. (2022). Mathematical habits of mind, self-efficacy, and academic performance of top scorers in Mathematics competition. [Masters' thesis, West Visayas State University]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses PLUS.en
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to determine the levels of learners' self-efficacy and mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) and academic performance and the relationships of these variables. The respondents of this study were the 2020 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge Division Elimination top scorers. The instruments used in this study were the (1) Non-routine Problem Solving, (2) Reflecting and Self-checking of Learning ,(3) and Self- Efficacy Rating Scale for habits of mind MHoM. Mean, standard deviation, and Spearman's Rank Correlation were used to answer the research problems and hypothesis posted in the study. The significance level was set at 0.05. The study revealed that efficacy of the top scorers was "Moderately High" and their MHoM was "Satisfactorily-developed". In five components of MHoM , the habit of reflecting and self-checking of learning is "Slightly-developed". On the other hand, the habit of searching for patterns, linking ideas or representation, reasoning deductively and through experiments fall under "Satisfactorily-developed". In addition, there were significant relationships of self-efficacy to searching for patterns, linking ideas and representation, reflecting and self-checking of learning. The interralatedness or relationship of MHoM and self-efficacy signifies that if the MHoM is very strongly- developed the higher the self-efficacy level and vice versa. This further tells that the better the habit of searching for patterns of a learner, the better the self-efficacy. This is true to the habit of linking ideas and representation, habit of reasoning deductively and through experiments, and habit of reflecting and self-checking of learning. Learners should try exploring other possible ways to solve a problem and not be contented with solving it with only one strategy. Teachers should likewise provide opportunities for students to be exposed to problems that may be solved in many ways. The teacher must also acknowledge that learning is not only influenced by cognitive factors alone but by affective factors too. Teachers can enhance the level of learner's efficacy through various feasible teaching techniques. As a consequence, providing abundance of experiences and building positive beliefs in learners are essential for them to develop the sense of efficacy.en
dc.format.extentxv, 121 p.en
dc.publisherWest Visayas State Universityen
dc.subjectAcademic performanceen
dc.subjectSearching for patternsen
dc.subjectLinking ideasen
dc.subjectReasoning deductively and through experimentsen
dc.subjectProblem solvingen
dc.subjectReflecting and self-checkingen
dc.subjectDescriptive researchen
dc.subjectCorrelational researchen
dc.subjectMathematical Habits of the Mind (MHoM)en
dc.subject.lcshMathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)en
dc.titleMathematical habits of mind, self-efficacy, and academic performance of top scorers in Mathematics competitionen
dcterms.accessRightsLimited public accessen Mathematicsen Visayas State Universityen of Arts in Educationen
dc.contributor.chairFelimon, Rosemarie G.
dc.contributor.committeememberSagge, Roberto G. Jr.
dc.contributor.committeememberArceña, Kim S.
dc.subject.sdgSDG 4 - Quality educationen

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