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dc.contributor.advisorCocjin, Jason C.
dc.contributor.authorBenagera, Jalen S.
dc.coverage.spatialSan Enriqueen
dc.identifier.citationBenagera, J. S. (2018). Cultural knowledge and experiences on climate change and disaster preparedness among indigenous people of San Enrique [Master’s thesis, West Visayas State University]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses PLUS.en
dc.description.abstractThis qualitative study aimed at identifying the cultural knowledge and experiences of Indigenous People on climate change. The six (6) participants were the youth, elders, secretary, and chieftain residing in San Enrique, Iloilo. A researcher-made interview guide and researcher's observations were used to gather and analyze the data. Analysis of narratives through the thematic approach was used to come up with the results. Results revealed that the cultural knowledge of the Indigenous People on climate change included socio-economic change, unpredictable weather patterns, manifestations on climate change, causes of climate change, and sources of information. Their experiences included disaster, poor health, insufficient water supply, loss of shelter, hunger, insufficient water supply, and disasters as results of climate change. The mitigating practices included handicrafts making, cultivation of root crops, farming, and hunting. Indigenous People's knowledge on climate change also pertained to socio­economic change. Hence, there was intersubjectivity in the participants' notion that socio-economic changes are parts of climate change. In view of this, they have adopted a semi-sedentary life. This seems to support the impression that climate change as known to the IPs is not viewed as incorrect or mistaken but as a valid knowledge system in its own right. It is recommended that climate change awareness and disaster preparedness in all learning strands be integrated to help indigenous become more aware of and prepared for any kind of disasters.en
dc.format.extentxiv, 147 p. : ill. (col.).en
dc.publisherWest Visayas State Universityen
dc.subjectCurriculum Plannersen
dc.subjectNational Disaster Risk Reduction Management Councilen
dc.subjectCultural Knowledgeen
dc.subject.lcshIndigenous peoplesen
dc.subject.lcshClimatic changesen
dc.subject.lcshEmergency managementen
dc.subject.lcshNational Commission on Indigenous Peoples (Philippines)en
dc.subject.lcshLocal governmenten
dc.subject.lcshIndigenous people
dc.subject.lcshNatural hazards
dc.subject.lcshHazard mitigation
dc.subject.lcshTraditional ecological knowledge
dc.subject.meshClimate Changeen
dc.titleCultural knowledge and experiences on climate change and disaster preparedness among indigenous people of San Enriqueen
dcterms.accessRightsLimited public accessen
dcterms.subjectDisaster preparedness
dcterms.subjectIndigenous cultural knowledge
dcterms.subjectCultural knowledge
dcterms.subjectTraditional communities
dcterms.subjectCultural practices
dcterms.subjectIndigenous people resilience
dcterms.subjectClimate change impact
dcterms.subjectClimate change discourse
dcterms.subjectIndigenous ecological knowledge of Educationen Visayas State Universityen of Arts in Educationen
dc.contributor.chairArellano, Elvira L.
dc.contributor.committeememberJamero, Eleanor S.
dc.contributor.committeememberLoriega, Elnora V.
dc.subject.sdgSDG 13 - Climate actionen

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