Factors affecting performance of criminology students in disarming techniques
This study aimed to know the factors affecting performance of criminology students in disarming techniques of West Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus for school year 2014-2015. The respondents of the study were the 30 3rd year criminology students the study used the descriptive research design. Mental and physical condition were the most preferred factors affecting the performance of criminology students in disarming techniques. The students had a high extent of factors affecting the mental and physical ability in disarming techniques. The students had a very good performance level in disarming techniques.
Recommended Citation
Murga, G., Panada, J., Paniagua, C., Paris, I., & Provido, A. (2017). Factors affecting performance of criminology students in disarming techniques [Undergraduate Thesis, West Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses Plus.
ThesisDegree Discipline
College of Criminal Justice EducationDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in CriminologyDegree Level
UndergraduatePhysical Description
ix, 44 p. : ill.