Neural network model using back-propagation algorithm with momentum term for credit risk evaluation system
This paper present the results of an experiment made with the aid of KangarooBPNN, a graphical user interface software in order to find the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of a supervised neural network model. In the previous experimentation or study, NN-1B model was considered to be a good neural network model with 20 input neurons, 10 hidden neurons and 1 output neuron using 0.3 and 0.4 learning rate and accuracy rate respectively at 10,000 epochs. The German credit dataset was used to train and test the said neural network model using the back-propagation algorithm with momentum term for credit risk evaluation system. The results were recorded in a tabular form, compared and analyzed carefully. Then it was compared with the result of the previous study wherein the traditional back-propagation algorithm was used. Moreover, based on the comparison made by the researchers, it shows that it is better to use the back-propagation algorithm with momentum term than the traditional back-propagation algorithm
Recommended Citation
Gante, D. D., Gerardo, B. D., & Tanguilig, B. T. (2015). Neural network model using back propagation algorithm for credit risk evaluation. In 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 17-19 June, 2016, (pp. 500-506).