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Now showing items 1-20 of 409
5 Es instructional learning activities on learner's conceptual understanding, science process skills, and attitudes towards Physics
(West Visayas State University, 2023-06)This research is rooted in the existing educational issue in science education, focusing on the successful attainment of science process skills and conceptual understanding, and the promotion of positive attitudes towards ... -
700th day... pilgrim-and-hermit... publishing... becoming heady?
(Giraffe Books, 1998) -
Academic integrity status, strategies and challenges among selected ASEAN University network members: Bases for an action plan for a state university
(West Visayas State University, 2019-12)This mixed-method study explored the status of, strategies implemented, and challenges encountered by selected ASEAN University Network (AUN) Members in promoting Academic Integrity by means of a researcher-developed ... -
Academic performance and the role of self-directed learning, self-esteem, and grit among nursing students
(Nursing Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, 2021)Background: Understanding the factors affecting academic performance is important to support and promote the academic success of students. While there have been several studies on nursing students' academic performance, ... -
Acquiring knowledge about a culture through children’s literature: The challenges of using Asian cinderella picturebooks
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2018-12)This article examines picturebooks based on a popular folktale, Cinderella, but told from the cultural lenses of several Asian countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, and Vietnam. These variants of the ... -
Acts of survivorship
(The Peter Solis Nery Foundation for Hiligaynon Literature and the Arts, Inc., 2019) -
Adaptive capacity indicators on climate change: Some insights from the oil spill affected communities in Guimaras, Philippines and its implications to environmental education
(College of Education, West Visayas State University, 2012-01)Environmental education's thematic response to climate change in different scales (household community and national) is often seen to highlight mitigation approaches rather than adaptation This is understandable since ... -
An adaptive stopping criterion for backpropagation learning in feedforward neural network
(Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2014-08)In training artificial neural networks, Backpropagation has been frequently used and known to provide powerful tools for classification. Due to its capability to model linear and non-linear systems, it is widely applied ... -
Adjustment problems, coping strategies, protective factors, and academic performance of the vulnerable youth
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2018-06)This mixed-method research examined the relationship of adjustment problems, coping strategies, and protective factors on the academic performance of the ESGP-PA grantees enrolled at West Visayas State University, during ... -
Administrators’ managerial capability and effectiveness in state universities and colleges in Western Visayas
(University Research and Development Center, West Visayas State University, 2016-06)This research determined the administrators’ managerial capability and effectiveness in the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Western Visayas (WV). The study was conducted in 2015 among the 125 randomly selected ... -
Admission criteria and other variables as predictors of students' academic performance and proficiency in Political Science
(College of Arts and Sciences, West Visayas State University, 2016-12)This study presents data and analysis of the academic performance and proficiency in the major field of the senior A.B. Political Science students of the West Visayas State University for the academic year 2011-2012. ... -
Aeta creatives in the 21st century: Intercultural implications of teaching
(College of PESCAR, West Visayas State University, 2017-12)Panay is an island in the Philippines where groups of the aborigines called Ati are located. In Iloilo and Guimaras, the Ati have found mountains and valleys to settle in after centuries of wandering as nomads. The mainstream ... -
After over a year of pandemic: Mental well-being and life satisfaction of Filipino college students
(Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2021-12-03)The COVID-19 pandemic has been there for over a year and may substantially negatively impact student’s mental well-being. This study aimed to assess the subjective mental well being and satisfaction with life of Filipino ... -
Ageism awareness, challenges and coping strategies of the older workers in the workplace: Inputs to a geriatric counseling, psychoeducation, and resiliency program
(West Visayas State University, 2022-11)This convergent mixed method study aimed to determine the challenges and coping strategies of older workers in the workplace as bases for the inputs to a Geriatric Counseling Psychoeducation, and Resiliency Program. The ... -
Allelopathic potential of selected grasses (Family Poaceae) on the germination of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa)
(Global Vision Press, 2012-06)Allelopathy is the production of chemicals (allelochemicals) of a plant which can influence the growth and development of another plant that can be either negative by reducing germination or positive by increasing growth. ... -
The ambivalence of self-disclosure in ten elegies
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform., 2019) -
Analysis of key randomness in improved one-time pad cryptography
(IEEE Computer Society, 2019-12-09)In cryptography, one-time pad (OTP) is claimed to be the perfect secrecy algorithm in several works if all of its features are applied correctly. Its secrecy depends mostly on random keys, which must be truly random and ... -
Android interactive word game in mother tongue for early childhood learners
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2021-06)As ownership of mobile devices increases, the trend in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in education also advances. In line with the mandate of the department of education to develop interactive ... -
Anesthetic activity of Tubli (Derris elliptica ) root extracts at varying concentrations and model of administration on male albino mice.
(West Visayas State University College of Medicine and West Visayas State University Medical Center Iloilo City, Philippines, 2011-01)Background: there is need to explore the medicinal potential local plant species in the country. Tubli, an agricultural weed, has long been hypothesized to have anesthetic properties as observed in years of folk hunting ...