WVSU Journal of Nursing Research
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WVSU Journal of Nursing Research Other variant title: West Visayas State University Journal of Nursing Research (ISSN: 0119-7061)
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Effectiveness of Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) training among doctors, nurses and midwives of BEmONC certified RHU's in northern Iloilo
(College of Nursing, West Visayas State University, 2016-12)Background: Pregnancy and child birth are among the leading causes of death, disease, and disability in women of reproductive age in developing countries. In the Philippines, the estimates are 4,000 mothers and almost ... -
Knowledge on rabies among homeowners in a selected subdivision in Iloilo province
(College of Nursing, West Visayas State University, 2007-03)This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge on the nature, cause, signs and symptoms, transmission, prevention, and control of rabies among homeowners in a chosen subdivision in Iloilo Province. It also sought to ...