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dc.contributor.advisorLisao, Dominador L.
dc.contributor.authorLayawon, Teresa P.
dc.identifier.citationLayawon, T. P. (2003). Teacher's work commitment and classroom performance: its influence to selected variables [Master's thesis, West Visayas State University - Lambunao Campus]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses PLUS.en
dc.description.abstractThis proposed study aimed at determining the teacher’s work commitment and classroom performance in the District of Lambunao West, Division of Iloilo. It further aimed at finding out whether selected variables like age, gender, civil status, length of service, educational attainment, and workstation could influence teachers’ work commitment and classroom performance. This study was conducted second semester of the school year 2001-2002 among the 141 randomly selected elementary school teachers in the District of Lambunao West. Data needed for the proposed study were gathered through the use of two instruments: Elwin’s Work Commitment Rating Scale (1967) and Lisao’s Classroom Performance Assessment Rating Scale (1998). This descriptive correlational study utilized the mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics; and t-test and Pearson’s r, set at .05 significance level for two-tailed test, as inferential statistics. The study revealed that generally, the teachers have a “very high” commitment to their work: and were rated “outstanding” in their classroom performance. No significant differences existed in the teacher’s work commitment and classroom performance when they were classified as to age, gender, civil status, length of service, educational attainment, and workstation. No significant correlation was noted in the teacher’s work commitment and classroom performance.en
dc.format.extent127 p.en
dc.publisherWest Visayas State University - Lambunao Campusen
dc.subjectwork commitmenten
dc.subjectDistrict of Lambunao Westen
dc.subjectclassroom performanceen
dc.subjectElwin’s Work Commitment Rating Scaleen
dc.subjectLisao’s Classroom Performance Assessment Rating Scaleen
dc.subject.lcshClassroom managementen
dc.subject.lcshElementary school teachers--Rating ofen
dc.subject.lcshElementary school teachersen
dc.titleTeachers' work commitment and classroom performance: Its influence to selected variablesen
dcterms.accessRightsLimited public accessen Educationen Visayas State University - Lambunao Campusen of Arts in Industrial Education (Educational Management)en
dc.contributor.chairLisao, Dominador L.
dc.contributor.committeememberLoredo, Ofelia G.
dc.contributor.committeememberLizada, Natalia F.

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