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dc.contributor.advisorParis, Peter Ernie D.
dc.contributor.authorNieve, Venus G.
dc.identifier.citationNieve, V. G. (2021). Dynamics of Science teachers Learning Action Cell (LAC): Implications for pedagogy and policy development. [Master’s thesis, West Visayas State University]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses PLUS.en
dc.description.abstractThere is a constant effort to improve teaching and learning in Science and one of these is the implementation of Learning Action Cell in schools. The study investigated the Learning Action Cell implementation and implication in science teaching. Specifically, the prerequisites, circumstances and challenges experienced by teachers in the implementation of LAC sessions in science (Pre- LAC); collaboration, communication, creative thinking and critical thinking that take place in the dynamics of LAC sessions (On- LAC); and the implications of LAC session in pedagogies and policies to improve science education (Post- LAC). Qualitative Research Design, with the use of Narrative Inquiry was utilized. The informants of the study were seven science secondary public school teachers of the Schools Division of Iloilo particularly in the district of Ajuy for the school year 2020-2021. They were purposively chosen based on certain criteria such as: (a) had been teaching science in the secondary public school of Ajuy; (b) were involved in science teachers LAC sessions, and (c) had 5 years or more teaching experience. Expert validated interview guide question and protocol were used to gather data. Interviews, field observation, artifact examination were conducted. The interviews were transcribed, subjected to thematic analysis for construction of narratives on LAC by science teachers following Braun & Clarke (2006) six-step process: Familiarization, Coding, Generating themes, Reviewing themes, Defining and naming themes, and Writing up. This was supplemented and triangulated with other data generated from other sources such as field notes and artifacts pertaining to LAC session. The findings of the study revealed the narratives are composed of several themes such as: for prerequisite (Pre LAC), Session Communication, Required References, Assessment of Needs, Individual Roles, and Time and Schedule; for LAC Implementation (On LAC), Peer Learning, Accessing Support, Enhancing Teaching Strategies, and Addressing Common Problems; and for LAC Implication (Post LAC), Adaption of Emerging Pedagogy and Policy Formulation. Based on the findings of the study, such conclusions were formulated: each teacher have their own preparations before conducting LAC session for Pre LAC; teachers were able to share knowledge and collaborate with other teachers for the improvement of teaching and learning process for On LAC; and things learned from LAC session were expected to transpire as teachers applied them to help improve science education in their respective schools, for Post LAC. The generated knowledge on the dynamics of Learning Action Cell positively contributes a lot to teaching and learning process, innovation of pedagogy and policy development and as Continuous Professional Development program for science teacher and therefore needs to be supported and sustained.en
dc.format.extentxii, 149 p. : ill. (col.).en
dc.publisherWest Visayas State Universityen
dc.subjectLearning Action Cell (LAC)en
dc.subjectTeaching and learning in Scienceen
dc.subjectDistrict of Ajuyen
dc.subjectQualitative Researchen
dc.subjectNarrative Inquiryen
dc.subject.lcshScience--Study and teachingen
dc.subject.lcshScience--Study and teaching (Secondary)en
dc.titleDynamics of science teachers Learning Action Cell (LAC): Implications for Pedagogy and Policy development.en
dcterms.accessRightsLimited public accessen
thesis.degree.disciplineBiological Scienceen
thesis.degree.grantorWest Visayas State Universityen
thesis.degree.nameMasters of Art in Educationen
dc.contributor.chairMagno, Ricky M.
dc.contributor.committeememberSagge, Roberto Jr. G.
dc.contributor.committeememberBasa, Cathy B.

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