Child abuse and juvenile delinquency
This descriptive study determined the perception of child abuse as perceive by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and Women's Children Protection Desk (WCPD) in the Municipality of Calinog and Lambunao, Province of Iloilo in the year 2018. The respondents were Ten (10) randomly selected regular employees of Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and Ten (10) randomly selected regular employees of Women and Children Protection Desk (WCPD). The data gathering instruments were the researchers made checklist. Department of Social welfare and Development (DSWD) and Women's Children Protection Desk (WCPD) assigned as independent variable and Child Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency assigned as the dependent variable. The data gathered were analyzed and ranked. Findings revealed that the perception of DSWD and WCPD regarding the influence of child abuse can highly affect the behavior of the child to become juvenile delinquent because of peer influence (Youth, Gangs and Groups), drinking alcohol, misbehaved to parents, committing crimes, and bullying others. The findings revealed that the perception to children affected by physical and emotional abuse were easily to commit crimes, influenced by peers, pore to alcoholism, misbehave their parents, and cutting classes. The findings revealed that not all abuse children turn into juvenile delinquent; in this case those children who were abuse can be a good citizen of society. The findings showed that juvenile delinquency among abused children was triggered by lack of feelings, loved, care and attended of their parents.
Recommended Citation
Borja, K. C., Caras, E. S., Jr., Gedoria, R. K., Jose, E. J. D., & Laranja, M. R. L. (2018) Child abuse and juvenile delinquency [Undergraduate Thesis, West Visayas State University - Lambunao Campus]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses Plus.
ThesisDegree Discipline
College of Criminal Justice EducationDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in CriminologyDegree Level
UndergraduatePhysical Description
xi, 114 p.