Proposed computerized registration system of Calinog National Comprehensive High School
This study was conducted to improve the registration System of Calinog National Comprehensive High School. The main purpose of this study is to reduce the work load of the personnel involved in every transaction to insure efficient and accurate results. This study aimed to develop and to improve the registration system of Calinog National Comprehensive High School through the proposed system using the Microsoft Access and Visual Basic programming language. The implementation of the proposed system would provide a systematic facility in recording and record keeping of entries of student's information and preparation of different transactions handled by the registrar's office. An interview conducted to the registrar and other personnel of the office gave all the information needed for the implementation of the study. The observation and the research made in the registrar's office in other school's serve as reference to determine either the transaction should be improved or eliminated.
Recommended Citation
Calagunay, M. F. J. M., Ferraris, C. L., Lozada, A. B., Samus, M. C., & Samus, M. J. C. (2011). Proposed computerized registration system of Calinog National Comprehensive High School [Undergraduate Thesis, West Visayas State University - Lambunao Campus]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses Plus.
Degree Discipline
School of Information and Communications TechnologyDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Information TechnologyDegree Level
UndergraduatePhysical Description
xiii, 126 p. : ill.