Learning materials for modular distance learning on academically-challenged learners' science process skills and conceptual understanding of matter
Face-to-face learning engagement of learners and teachers within the school has been suspended due to the Coronavirus Infectious Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the implementation of Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure continuity of education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. This comparative research pre-test-post-test design determined the effectiveness of learning materials for modular distance learning on academically-challenged learners' science process skills and conceptual understanding of matter. It used two data-gathering instruments: Science Process Skills Test for Academically- Challenged Learners (SPSTACL) and Test on Conceptual Understanding (TCUM) in Science 8 specifically in Matter domain. The subjects of this research were the seventy (70) Grade 8 learners coming from two lower sections of Trinidad V. Canja-Sta. Teresa National High School in the Schools Division of Guimaras. The descriptive statistical tools used were means and standard deviations, while the inferential statistical tools were the t-test for independent samples, t-test for dependent samples, and Pearson's Product Moment of Correlation. Significance level was set at.05. The qualitative data analysis utilized thematic analysis, as proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006), which involves the deductive approach and employed thematic map as a tool to clearly examine the data to identify common themes—topics, ideas, and patterns of meanings that come up repeatedly to reveal the perceptions, triumphs, and travails of the academically-challenged Grade 8 learners exposed to ADM Module (ADMM) and Learning Activity Sheet (LAS). The researcher followed the six phases, as introduced by Braun and Clarke (2006). Phase 1. Familiarizing the Data, Phase 2: Generating Initial Codes, Phase 3: Searching for Themes, Phase 4: Reviewing Themes, Phase 5: Defining and Naming Themes, and Phase 6: Producing the Report. The results showed that before exposure to ADM Module (ADMM), the group had "developing" science process skills and "beginning" conceptual understanding of matter. Similarly, those who were assigned under the Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) possessed "developing" and "beginning" conceptual understanding of Matter. However, the results revealed that after exposure to the intervention, those learners who were exposed to ADMM "developed" science process skills and "developing conceptual understanding of matter. Likewise, those who were exposed to the LAS "developed" science process skills and "developing" conceptual understanding of matter. The results further showed also that the mean gain scores of the learners exposed to ADMM in science process skills and conceptual understanding were slightly higher than those of the learners exposed to LAS in science process skills and conceptual understanding of Matter. Moreover, the positive mean gain scores revealed that the science process skills and conceptual understanding of Matter of learners has improved. The inferential analysis revealed that there were no significant differences in the levels of science process skills before and after exposure to ADMM and LAS but there were a significant differences in the levels of conceptual understanding before and after exposure to ADMM and LAS. Likewise, there was a significant difference in science process skills and conceptual understanding of the subjects before and after exposure to ADMM and LAS. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the mean gains of the ADMM and LAS groups in science process skills. It can be taken to mean that, in terms of developing the science process skills of learners, ADMM is comparable with LAS group. However, the mean gain score in conceptual understanding of the subjects exposed to ADMM was significantly higher than that of the subjects exposed to LAS. The results also revealed that ADMM is effective in improving conceptual understanding in science 8 specifically in matter domain. Finally, results revealed that the science process skills and conceptual understanding of the subjects exposed to ADMM and LAS were not significantly correlated. In conclusion, the utilization of learning materials (ADMM and LAS) engaged learners to think and put meaning to their answers which helped them develop their science process skills and conceptual understanding of Matter. The importance and relevance of the ADM Module and Learning Activity Sheet as instructional materials for modular distance learning cannot be discounted because both materials have positive effects on the science process skills and conceptual understanding of academically-challenged learners. Learners' firm grasp of the concepts does not necessarily translate their ability to do scientific work that requires the application of their science process. Policy and curriculum makers may attempt to develop programs that address the need to develop learning materials such as ADMM and LAS for academically-challenged learners. They must align their planning towards those that could address low performance in science. Module and LAS writers are encouraged to make necessary improvements on the instructional materials to better grasp expectations for every lesson. They may also provide learning activities that are timely and relevant for the 21st century learners. Teachers, being catalysts of change should be resourceful and creative in all aspects of delivering instructions to learners. They may utilize the ADM Modules used by the researcher in this study as samples. They could also be a means of reaching out to learners who are most likely to be left behind. Collaboration among teachers must be practiced in school. It is recommended that one of the sessions during Learning Action Cell (LAC) be allotted for mentoring and sharing best practices in delivering lessons with the use of learning materials. The result of this study may serve as springboard for the future improvements of the schools' existing programs and guidelines on the implementation of modular distance learning
Recommended Citation
Ga, A. C. (2021). Learning materials for modular distance learning on academically-challenged learners' Science process skills and conceptual understanding of matter. [Masters' thesis, West Visayas State University]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertation and Theses PLUS.
Modular Distance Learning Science process skills Conceptual understanding Matter Academically-Challenged Learners COVID-19 pandemic SPSTACL Science process skills test for academically challenged learners Test on conceptual understanding of matter TCUM Self learning modules Department of Education Alternative delivery mode learning resource Chemistry education Trinidad V. Canja-Sta. Teresa National High School Alternative delivery mode module ADMM Learning activity sheet LAS Learning action cell LAC Self-learning method
Degree Discipline
Physical ScienceDegree Name
Master of Arts in EducationDegree Level
MastersPhysical Description
xvii, 193 p. : ill. (col.)
- 2. Master's Theses [112]
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