Workload, well-being, coping strategies, and Mathematics performance of Senior High School STEM learners
This correlational research study aimed to examine the relationship among workload, well-being, coping strategies, and mathematics performance of senior high school STEM learners. The study specifically included 50 Grade 11 STEM learners who were purposively selected from two public secondary schools in the province of Capiz enrolled in the first semester of the school year 2023 - 2024. Instruments utilized for the data collection included a researcher-made Learner's Workload Log (LWL) to measure the time spent by learners on tasks in General Mathematics and Pre-calculus, a Psychological Well-being (PWB) Scale to assess the level of well-being, a Filipino Coping Strategies Scale to measure the coping strategies level and the Grade Point Average (GPA) in General Mathematics and Pre-calculus as an indicator of mathematics performance of STEM learners. The statistical tools used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and Spearman rho; all inferential tests were set at a .05 alpha level of significance. Results showed that the level of workload of senior high school STEM learners was heavy. Additionally, the level of well-being among STEM learners was found to be moderate and the level of coping strategies was high. STEM learners' mathematics performance demonstrated a very satisfactory level in General Mathematics and Pre-calculus. Furthermore, the study has shown that there was a significant relationship among workload, well-being, coping strategies, and mathematics performance of senior high school STEM learners. There was a very strong relationship between mathematics performance towards workload and well being; a strong relationship between workload and well-being, coping strategies, and mathematics performance; a moderate relationship between workload and coping strategies; and a weak relationship between well-being and coping strategies. In conclusion, the workload of senior high school STEM learners was overwhelming. Though learners' moderate well-being and high coping strategies show a positive attitude and adeptness in handling diverse situations, learners may still be able to experience fatigue and weariness. However, interventions may be done to enhance their well-being and improve their coping strategies, and continuing to show excellent math skills can be carried out. It is recommended that learners should control and manage an array of activities while having a good disposition in ways that would reflect positive well-being. Teachers may encourage learners to use proactive coping
strategies to address their negative feelings and behaviors to effectively manage their workload to strive for even greater success and outstanding performance.
Recommended Citation
Ebol, L. F. (2024). Workload, well-being, coping strategies, and Mathematics performance of Senior High School Stem learners. [Masters' Thesis, West Visayas State University]. WVSU Institutional Repository and Electronic Dissertations and Theses PLUS.
Degree Discipline
MathematicsDegree Name
Master of Arts in EducationDegree Level
MastersPhysical Description
xiii, 115 p.
- 2. Master's Theses [111]