2. Master's Theses: Recent submissions
Anzeige der Dokumente 61-80 von 112
Game-based learning: Its effects on student's performance in Physics
(West Visayas State University, 2018-03)This quasi-experimental research was conducted to determine the performance of 80 grade 8 students in Physics class. A total of two (2) sections with forty (40) students each were utilized for this study. One section (40 ... -
Antique's Iraynon-Bukidnon indigenous dance on record: Apropos of dance literature development
(West Visayas State University, 2018-04)This qualitative study utilized a cultural memory banking protocol to gather information about the unpublished Dinapaydapay dance of Antique and capture its indigenous dance mimetic form. The informants of this study were ... -
DOT accredited resorts in Iloilo : best practices and components of tourism sector as input to the development of promotion guide
(West Visayas State University, 2020)This qualitative-case study, conducted on March 2019, investigated the best practices and components of tourism sector. It aimed to determine the best practices among Department of Tourism accredited resorts in Iloilo as ... -
The municipality of Leon as a tourist destination: Status, problems, and prospects for development as assessed among the stakeholders.
(West Visayas State University, 2019-04)This survey-correlational study, conducted in August 2018, aimed at ascertaining the status, problems, and prospects for development of the Municipality of Leon as a tourist destination. Two hundred ten (210) selected ... -
Food safety and sanitation: Awareness, attitude, and practices among street vendors
(West Visayas State University, 2020-06)This survey-correlational study, conducted on December 2019, aimed at ascertaining the street food vendors' awareness of, attitude towards, and practices related to food safety and sanitation. One hundred forty-seven (147) ... -
Cultural knowledge and experiences on climate change and disaster preparedness among indigenous people of San Enrique
(West Visayas State University, 2018-04)This qualitative study aimed at identifying the cultural knowledge and experiences of Indigenous People on climate change. The six (6) participants were the youth, elders, secretary, and chieftain residing in San Enrique, ... -
Solar autonomous vehicle with enhanced charging mechanism based on regression algorithm for agricultural application
(West Visayas State University, 2018-10)Factors like sunlight, current drawn and voltage were considered as triggers in the ability to efficiently charge storage batteries and in line with the type of charging algorithm to be used either Pulse Width Modulation ... -
Parents' attitude, extent of involvement and learners' Mathematics performance toward the development of an IEC material.
(West Visayas State University, 2022-05)This survey research determined the level of parents' attitude toward modular distance learning, their extent of involvement in the learning continuity of their children, and the level of mathematics performance of Grade ... -
Musichemistry on grade eight learners' motivation, engagement and proficiency in Chemistry
(West Visayas State University, 2020-06)This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effect of musichemistry on grade eight learners' motivation, engagement and proficiency in Chemistry and the relationship among the three variables. Furthermore, it ... -
Bullying experiences, coping mechanisms, lessons learned and aspirations of high school working students
(West Visayas State University, 2021-06)This qualitative study which utilized the narrative-based inquiry, explored the life testimonies of five (5) working students who experienced bullying at Botong Cabanbanan National High School, Botong, Oton Iloilo, S.Y. ... -
Mathematical habits of mind, self-efficacy, and academic performance of top scorers in Mathematics competition
(West Visayas State University, 2022-06)This study aimed to determine the levels of learners' self-efficacy and mathematical habits of mind (MHoM) and academic performance and the relationships of these variables. The respondents of this study were the 2020 ... -
Modified flipped classroom for grade 8 Physics
(West Visayas State University, 2022-12)This quasi-experimental research was conducted to determine the physics achievement of 64 Grade 8 learners in physics class. A total of two (2) sections with thirty-two (32) students each were considered in this study. One ... -
Flex model of blended learning in Hospitality and Tourism: Its effect on students' cognitive absorption and achievement in TOU 045
(West Visayas State University, 2021-06)This quasi-experimental study determined if there is any significant difference on the students' achievement in traditional teaching approach and flex model of blended learning. A total of 30 respondents were selected ... -
Hidden stories under the scaffold: The emotional labor of yayas of children with disabilities
(West Visayas State University, 2022-06)Beside the teachers and parents, there are other people who are much involved in the child care of learners with disabilities. These are the people who are hired or who are trusted to fulfill the roles of working parents. ... -
5 Es instructional learning activities on learner's conceptual understanding, science process skills, and attitudes towards Physics
(West Visayas State University, 2023-06)This research is rooted in the existing educational issue in science education, focusing on the successful attainment of science process skills and conceptual understanding, and the promotion of positive attitudes towards ... -
Gamifying formative assessment through Quizizz and Mathematics performance in modular distance learning
(West Visayas State University, 2022-05)This research aimed to investigate the effect of gamifying formative assessment on students' performance in modular distance learning. Specifically, it aimed to examine the effectiveness of gamifying formative assessment ... -
Instruction using Oral Graphic Symbolic Language (OGSL) program and reading performance of learners from K-3: A tracer study
(West Visayas State university, 2022-07)This study was undertaken to ascertain the reading performance of the Kindergarten learners and to determine if there was a difference on the reading performance of the two groups. A tracer study was used to determine the ... -
Learning Enhancement and Reconceptualization Design (LENARD) and Mathematics conceptual understanding
(West Visayas State University, 2022-07)This study was conducted to find the effectiveness of the Enhanced Module in the learners' Mathematics Conceptual Understanding. A conceptual enhancement was done to the existing module of the Department of Education, such ... -
DOREMI: effects on learners' academic performance in Araling Panlipunan
(West Visayas State University, 2023-06)This quantitative and qualitative study was an investigation of the effect of DOREMI (Doing Reading with Music Intervention) on Learners' Academic Performance in Araling Panlipunan. DOREMI was used determine if teaching ... -
Junior High School Science teachers' self-efficacy toward teaching thinking skills: Basis for the development of in-service training courses
(West Visayas State University, 2022-12)This descriptive-correlational study aimed to determine the relationship between Junior High School science teachers' self-efficacy and teaching thinking skills. The respondents were thirty-two (32) Junior High School ...