3. Doctoral Dissertations
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Academic integrity status, strategies and challenges among selected ASEAN University network members: Bases for an action plan for a state university
(West Visayas State University, 2019-12)This mixed-method study explored the status of, strategies implemented, and challenges encountered by selected ASEAN University Network (AUN) Members in promoting Academic Integrity by means of a researcher-developed ... -
Course facilitators' teaching approaches and challenges: Inputs to the development of an issue-based instructional model and course syllabus in Science Technology and Society (STS)
(West Visayas State University, 2021-06)This study aimed at determining the course facilitators' teaching approaches and challenges as inputs to the development of an issue-based instructional model and a course syllabus in Science Technology and Society (STS). ... -
NatPro LabPro: Development and evaluation of Innovative Laboratory Package in Science (ILPS)
(West Visayas State University, 2021-12)Innovation is translating scientific and technological knowledge into new products or processes. It is vital for teachers to continually search for new ways to keep students engaged and motivated. An innovative teacher ... -
Penis and vagina's conversations: A dialogic theory grounded on academic intercourse of human sexuality
(2023-12)Failed human sexuality education leads to premarital sex and early sexual encounters, resulting in teenage and unplanned pregnancies-hindrances to economic success. This study explored the dialogic dynamics of sexuality ... -
Evaluation and enhancement of instructional module in people and the Earth's ecosystem
(West Visayas State University, 2024-04)This study evaluated and enhanced an instructional module on People and the Earth's Ecosystem using the CIPP model. Data were collected from BSED students, science teachers, and expert validators. Descriptive statistics, ... -
Development of contextualized research instructional material for Senior High School Technical Vocational Livelihood students
(West Visayas State University, 2024-04)The purpose of this study was to develop contextualized research instructional material for Senior High School Technical Vocational Livelihood students. The study utilized the Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, ... -
Exploring the link among educational ecosystem, mathematics interest, and academic performance of scholars
(West Visayas State University, 2024-04)This study investigated a model that explores the relationship among grade level, peer influence, school support, parent involvement, mathematics interest, and mathematics academic performance. This study utilized a ... -
Development of a curriculum on research with innovation for potentially gifted elementary learners: A Delphi study
(West Visayas State University, 2024-04)Filipino gifted learners require tailored learning experiences to develop essential research and innovation skills for future success in industrial revolutions. This study was conducted to determine topics and competencies ... -
Master teachers' mentorship quality and instructional effectiveness as related to their supervisory and administrative competence: Inputs to the development of a professional learning community program
(West Visayas State University, 2021-01)Conducted in February - May 2020, this survey-correlational research aimed to determine the mentorship quality, instructional effectiveness and supervisory competence, and administrative competence of Senior High School ... -
Teachers' and students' biology laboratory skills: Basis for the development of laboratory guide
(West Visayas State University, 2019-04)This Design-based research was conducted to determine the extent of acquisition of Biology laboratory skills of STEM students, to determine the extent to which Biology teachers integrate laboratory in their classes to ... -
Teachers' adversity quotient®, organizational commitment, and performance in the post pandemic era: Inputs for an enhanced school recovery plan
(West Visayas State University, 2023-03)The world today is facing global crisis which greatly affects the educational system and brings with it various adversities with teachers facing with constant and inevitable changes that may affect their commitment and ... -
Flipped classroom on problem solving, critical thinking skills, and students' Mathematics performance
(West Visayas State University, 2021-05)This quasi-experimental research aimed to determine the effects of flipped classrooms on the problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and mathematics performance of first year college students enrolled in Mathematics in ... -
Guidance counselors' knowledge, confidence, and training needs in handling self-injurious behavior (SIB): Basis for developing a school protocol
(West Visayas State University, 2022-06)This quantitative research ascertained the knowledge, confidence, and training needs in handling self-injurious behavior (SIB) among guidance counselors from state universities and colleges in Panay in 2021. Forty-three ... -
On grit: understanding Science teaching in challenged areas
(West Visayas State University, 2022-12)Teaching has always been a noble profession; to teach in challenged areas could then be the noblest. This study investigated science teachers who were teaching in challenged areas to generate theories that explain why they ... -
Nurses' workplace assertive behaviors: Basis for the development of assertiveness training program for nurses
(West Visayas State University, 2020-06)Assertive behavior is an essential skill nurses need to develop, and several studies have reported the benefits of assertiveness in nursing. However, workplace assertive behaviors of Filipino nurses have not been widely ... -
Learners' competence in Statistics: Basics for the development of intervention material for Statistics in research (IMSIR)
(West Visayas State University, 2022-06)This study developed an instructional material for statistics in research (IMSIR) to enhance learners' competence in statistics for research. Design research utilizing ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, ... -
Development of mobile application in General Biology using the design thinking model
(West Visayas State University, 2022-03)Learners of the future will demand the appropriate learning support for their situation or context, nothing more, nothing less. They want it at the moment. Not sooner, not later. Mobile devices will be a crucial technology ... -
Bridging gaps in teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology for medical courses through the development of learning materials
(West Visayas State University, 2020-06)The current status of medical and allied medical freshmen college students who were participants in this study is at risk due to poor educational outcomes resulting from learning gaps in Human Anatomy and Physiology courses ... -
Barriers in teaching-learning Mathematics in rural Senior High Schools: Bases for instructional improvement plan
(West Visayas State University, 2022-07)This mixed-method study examined the barriers to teaching-learning mathematics in rural senior high schools and developed an instructional improvement plan. The participants of this study were 213 Grade 11 completers and ... -
Students' technological skills, perception, class participation, and performance in advanced statistics: Bases of an enhanced blended classroom learning package
(West Visayas State University, 2018-03)This study determined the technological skills, perception towards blended learning, class participation, and performance of thirty Master of Arts in Education students major in English, Social Studies, and Mathematics of ...