WVSU External Publications
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Journal articles published externally [113]
Journal articles published externally, written by WVSU faculty members, staff, and students -
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Recent Submissions
Professional identity and knowledge practices of librarians in critical times of information disorders: A conceptual framework
(Emerald Publishing, 2024)Purpose: The library and information science profession finds itself grappling with substantial difficulties and hurdles when addressing the trustworthiness and accuracy of information disseminated through social media ... -
Perceptions and attitude on using social media responsibly: Toward social media literacy in nursing education
(Belitung Raya Publisher - Belitung Raya Foundation, 2019)Background: As future professionals, nursing students are expected to exhibit online professionalism and to be responsible users of social media. However, the rapid sharing of information on social media exposes ... -
Indigenous knowledge of medicinal fruits in the Philippines: A systematic review
(Iranian Society of Pharmacognosy, 2023)Medicinal fruits as adjunct therapy are promising for acute and chronic diseases. However, the role of these fruits remains largely unexplored. This study reviewed the evidence-based efficacy of these fruits used by ... -
Demographic, health and pandemic-related determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention among Filipino emerging adults
(SAGE Publishing, 2022)Emerging adults have become more susceptible to COVID-19 because of the emergence of the Delta and Omicron variants. Vaccination can help protect them from contracting the virus. However, in the Philippines, vaccine ... -
Knowledge about cholera and its prevention among household heads in a highly urbanized city in Western Philippines: A cross-sectional study
(Universitas Airlangga, 2024-05)Introduction: Cholera remains a significant public health threat globally, but its impact can be significantly reduced with the right knowledge and correct preventive practices. Conducting a study to provide baseline ... -
Factors predicting videoconferencing fatigue among higher education faculty
(Springer, 2022-04-05)The online remote learning revolution in the era of the pandemic has resulted in the massive explosion of videoconferencing technologies. The emergence of a new phenomenon of exhaustion and fatigue experienced during virtual ... -
Association between physical health and well-being: A quasi-experimental study
(Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, 2022-09-12)OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between physical health and well-being among college students in a state university and private college. METHODOLOGY: The study used a quantitative method, utilizing a ... -
A sustainability framework of river-based tourism in Panay Island
(Taylor’s University Sdn Bhd, 2019)This study aimed to determine the impacts of river-based tourism destinations sustainability of Panay Island in terms of economic viability, socio-cultural equity, and environmental conservation. The study used a quantitative ... -
An adaptive stopping criterion for backpropagation learning in feedforward neural network
(Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2014-08)In training artificial neural networks, Backpropagation has been frequently used and known to provide powerful tools for classification. Due to its capability to model linear and non-linear systems, it is widely applied ... -
Modified key generation in RSA algorithm
(Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, 2019-07)RSA Algorithm is one of the widely used asymmetric cryptography. But with several conducts of the different studies, factorization attack based on the value of modulo ‘n’ and based on the public key, the value of the private ... -
Mutation in the kv3.3 voltage-gated potassium channel causing spinocerebellar ataxia 13 disrupts sound-localization mechanisms
(Public Library of Science, 2013-10-07)Normal sound localization requires precise comparisons of sound timing and pressure levels between the two ears. The primary localization cues are interaural time differences, ITD, and interaural level differences, ILD. ... -
A modified adaptive synthetic SMOTE approach in graduation success rate classification
(World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering, 2019)In the real research situation, the oversampling method in data preprocessing is used to solve the problem in imbalanced data. This imbalance may lessen the capability of classification algorithms to identify instances of ... -
Factors associated with nursing students' intention to report needlestick injuries: Applying the theory of planned behavior
(Diponegoro University- Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, 2020-12)Background: Nursing students, like other healthcare workers, are prone to needlestick injuries. Over the years, studies have been conducted regarding needlestick injuries. However, its prevalence among Filipino nursing ... -
Inhibited flammability and surface inactivation of wood irradiated by low energy hydrogen ion showers (LEHIS)
(Elsevier B.V, 2007-06)Changes on the properties of wood irradiated by low energy hydrogen ion showers (LEHIS) were examined. The experimental facility employed was an in-house constructed, compact gas discharge ion source with beam energies ... -
Relocating local outliers produced by K-means and K-medoids using local outlier rectifier V. 2.0
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-02-06)The extensive growth in the field of information and communication technology allows easy capture of massive amounts of valuable data in different areas. These data are used in various data mining techniques. However, in ... -
Modified adaptive synthetic SMOTE to improve classification performance in imbalanced datasets
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-06-16)The oversampling technique in the data preprocessing has been utilized to mitigate the imbalanced data problem in the real research scenario. This imbalance may reduce the ability of classification algorithms to recognize ... -
The performance of Blum-Blum-Shub elliptic curve pseudorandom number generator as WiFi protected access 2 security key generator
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-09-20)WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is considered the most secure network security protocol in wireless routers, despite the discovery of partial key exposure vulnerability. In light of, an experiment was conducted to investigate ... -
A modified approach of blowfish algorithm based on S-box permutation using shuffle algorithm
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-12-14)Blowfish Algorithm has been widely analyzed and gradually accepted as a good and powerful cryptographic algorithm offering several advantages among which is suitability and efficiency for implementing hardware and software; ... -
Using a modified approach of blowfish algorithm for data security in cloud computing
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-12-29)Cloud computing brought remarkable potential changes and excellent opportunities to the information technology industry. It is particularly useful in most of the networked transactions. Cloud computing common issue problems ... -
Analysis of key randomness in improved one-time pad cryptography
(IEEE Computer Society, 2019-12-09)In cryptography, one-time pad (OTP) is claimed to be the perfect secrecy algorithm in several works if all of its features are applied correctly. Its secrecy depends mostly on random keys, which must be truly random and ...