Mother tongue: for teaching and learning
In the midst of curricular changes in education, we felt the need to proactively share ideas and assist future teachers to unravel so many questions on how to teach our own mother tongue. Our dedication to take part in preparing our pre-service teachers to be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, competencies plus our strong belief and advocacy in the MTB MLE pushed us to pursue this project.
The book is in modular format and each is divided into sections. It gives you basic concepts on language in general and helps you focus on your own mother tongue in particular. It begins with providing you clear background through the legal bases of MTB MLE and the benefits that this program can offer to learners. As the book leads you to understand the structure of a syntactic features, it also provides a discussion on how your mother tongue can be used to teach subject areas, namely Mathematics, Language Literacy, Science, Araling Panipunan, MAPEH, and ESP. Lesson exemplars are also included as well as suggested activities that you may perhaps find appropriate for your adaptation in your own ideas.
Each section was written by a pool of experienced teachers ranging from experts in curriculum, linguistics, reading, materials development, science, and math.
This book was written for training pre-service teachers who will be using the mother tongue for teaching and learning. It will guide you to look closely at your own mother tongue (Tagalog, Hiligaynon, Kapampangan, Waray, Pangasinense, Tausug, loko, Maguindanaoan, Bikol, Maranao; Cebuano, Chabacano, among others.) The book is simple that will provide you with the working knowledge and skills in pursuing further inquiry of your own mother tongue.
Writing this book opened our eyes to the wonderful world of a language we call our very own. We are sure that you, too, will appreciate this book.
We are indeed grateful to this opportunity of allowing us to write this book. This is an avenue of sharing what has worked for us and we do hope that it will also work for you.
The Authors
Recommended Citation
Alcudia, F. F. L., Bilbao, P. P., Dequilla, M. A. C. V., Germinal, A. D., Rosano, D. A., & Violeta, M. M. (2018). Mother tongue: for teaching and learning. In: (F. F. Alcudia, Ed.). LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
Mother tongue Pre-service teachers Tagalog Hiligaynon Kapampangan Waray Pangasinense Tausug Iloko Maguindanaoan Bikol Maranao Cebuano Chabacano MTB-MLE DepEd Department of Education K to 12 Curriculum MTBMLE Curriculum Mother tongue curriculum Mother Tongue-Based - Multilingual Education Mother Tongue Based - Multilingual Education Mother tongue-based curriculum DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2009 Mother tongue as a language Mother tongue as a language of teaching and learning Use of mother tongue as a subject Use of mother tongue as teaching Mathematics Use of mother tongue as teaching Elementary Science Use of mother tongue as teaching Araling Panlipunan
Physical Description
vi, 246 p.
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